Want to make better financial decisions? Take control of your money with this simple, practical and liberating online course. It will change your life.
Join me for 8 weeks to learn how you can fulfill your financial potential by transforming your money story.
Do money, numbers and financial statements make your head spin? Do you feel inadequate for not earning enough money? Or guilty for making it? Do you struggle to pay down your debts, save money and make it work for you?
If so, you are not alone. Self-limiting beliefs about money can have a devastating effect on your financial and personal well-being. And with debt at record high levels, it’s more important than ever that you learn how to manage your money effectively.
Take control of your finances with the Money Intelligence - Master Your Money online course. This eight-week course will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to make good decisions about spending and saving. It will not only transform your relationship with money, it will show you how to pay down your debts, create a money plan and achieve financial freedom.
Paulo Mendez, Team Leader
"Susan's advice makes sense. I got a lot of tips like how to start saving money, haow to be smarter with my money and how to be able to have a better life when I am 65 or 70. If I continue spending the money the way I'm doing now I would probably struggle as an old person and this made me realise I need to be smarter with my money. I will start doing salary sacrificing so I can save more in my super and later I want to start investing in an investment property.
Ken McBryde. Architect
"Simply enrolling in the money intelligence course resulted in my attitude toward money changing. Before I had even finished the course, with the insights of Susan and her team of financial experts, I got together a deposit and am about to purchase a property! I am so excited by the future. I believe Susan is motivated to run this course by a genuine desire to help others - by sharing her "Money Intel". It works for me! Thank you so much Susan"
Allan Hopper, Travel Agent, Hopperound
"Both you (Susan) and Wendy are my money angels - I cannot believe where I am now financially, and it’s all because of the two of you. With much love and appreciation."
Learn how your money story impacts your financial position and how you can transform it.
Let go of self-limiting money beliefs.
Get financially organised and understand where and how you spend your money.
Learn how to pay down your personal debts faster.
Create your money plan and set your one, five and 10-year goals.
Learn the secret to super charging your money-making skills.
Resource the joy in your life while living within your means.
Give back to your community and leave a legacy.
Kendra Partington, Nurse
The Money Intelligence program allowed us to finally get control of our financial situation - which we had been avoiding for years. Susan’s honest and practical approach enabled us to really face our “roadblocks” and to push through them. We now feel confident in our ability to provide for our future and for our children and retirement. Thanks to Susan we have savings in the bank, we are debt free and are about to purchase our second investment property.

Module 1: Work out your money story. What’s your story? Put an end to self-sabotaging money beliefs by understanding how your money story impacts your financial decisions.
Module 2: Take extreme ownership of your finances. What’s your current financial situation? What would you like it to be? Discover how to make your money work for you.
Module 3: Future proof your finances. Find out how to set achievable financial goals to pay down your debts and build your wealth sustainably.
Module 4: Best money management practices.Learn how to manage your personal and business expenses and set up the right financial structures for you.
Module 5: Super charge your money-making skills. Learn how to make more money and keep it with effective money habits.
Module 6: Live life with joy and financial freedom.Discover how you can do what you love and make good money.

This is not just a feel-good course. It gives you real, practical steps that are easy to implement so you can earn more, save more and be happy.

No need to waste time travelling for this course. Learn at your convenience. All you need is your desktop, tablet or mobile device.

Susan Wahhab is a leader in her industry. Her extensive expertise will put you on track to build your wealth in just eight weeks.
Jason Partington, Entrepreneur and Coach
Susan delivers financial information in such a simple and understandable format. The steps are easy to follow and really give an insight into spending. This is more than just understanding money and getting a budget, its taking control over your entire money story and re creating a new pathway. We have learnt so much from Susan, and she continues to be our finance mentor. Susan has such a beautiful heart and it resonates right throughout this program, as she openly shares her own personal story and insights. We will forever be changed from taking on the program, and feel so lucky to have Susan in our lives.
There are six modules. Each week for eight weeks, you will receive an email with access to the current module.
Watch the weekly video and complete the workbook. This will only take 1-2 hours per week.
Send through your completed homework by the end the week.
One one one call at the beginning of the course with Susan
Weekly group coaching sessions for 8 weeks with Susan. You can ask her any financial questions you deem important and she always has an answer ready for you!
Share your breakthroughs in a private Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people who will support you on your journey to prosperity.
Gabriella Horak, Founder What's Your Edge?, Facilitator & Keynote Speaker
No matter where you start from, beginner, broke, savvy, or saving, it is wise to check in with a money mentor and coach. I recently completed the Money Intelligence Course even though I felt I had a good grasp of the fundamentals. Initially I was skeptical about what I could learn, but what an eye opener the beginning of the program was. Went straight to the heart of my money story and the story I tell myself about money. Doing the program inspired me to have challenging conversations with myself and partner and the hacks and tips I was reminded of along the way, have saved us thousands $$$ already. We are well on our way to making money intelligent decisions.
I highly recommend this program for people who want to get their finances in order and to those who want to grow their wealth and are planning a healthy financial future.
The Money Intelligence Course, Master Your Money is designed and delivered by leading financial strategist Susan Wahhab. It is based on her transformational and practical book, Money Intelligence®. Susan offers a unique money philosophy by balancing the art of money management with the science of personal development. Not only this, she gives you practical steps on how to make more money and pay off your debts.
With more than 25 years in the financial services industry, Susan has helped hundreds of clients become money savvy and achieve financial independence. And she can do the same for you.
Hi, I’m Susan Wahhab
I am a CPA, an Authorised Financial Adviser with Wealth Today Pty Ltd (AFSL no. 340289) and an SMSF specialist.
For more than two decades, I have had countless money conversations with thousands of people from all walks of life. I have heard their mistakes and stories of regret. No doubt you have some yourself.
Everyone I meet is desperate to get their financial lives in order. The good news is, you can transform your finances with the Money Intelligence Academy.
I founded the Money Intelligence Academy because I want to help you build your wealth, become savvy and comfortable with your own financial numbers, and in the long-term, achieve financial freedom.
Money Intelligence Academy is where I divulge my 24 years of experience as a small business owner, an Accountant & FInancial Planner, and an SMSF Specialist. It is where I teach and guide you on your journey to financial success and prosperity through tailored money courses.
I will be your Money Mentor and Coach on this journey.

Danielle S, Marketing Consultant
"Hi Susan, I think what you are doing is fabulous! Your valuable knowledge has helped me in my circumstances (after just a few emails and a skype!)"
Simon T, Physiotherapist
The Money Intelligence course helped me identify the source of many of my money issues. This course also encouraged me to take ownership and start planning better for the future. Whilst I still have a way to go, it was a journey worth starting and I'm now travelling in a more sustainable direction.
Lisa, Teacher
I resisted doing Susan’s course for months because I actually believed nothing could help me except just more discipline. But after being in about $8500 of credit card debt for over 2 years, I’m happy to say that after implementing just a few of the money mindsets that Susan is teaching I was able to acknowledge my cycle with money and spending and am happy to say I am now $3000 away from being fully paying off my card (one pay check so one week away!) and have since reduced my credit limit from $9000 to $3000 which provided me with unexpected relief. I didn’t even utilise all the tips she gave, ie. her comprehensive budget planner / but it has made a big difference. Thank you Susan.
Ann C, Senior HR Executive
I am so pleased to have participated in and completed the Money Intelligence course. The course was compelling and embodied a lovely balance of both reflection and action for the topic areas. The rhythm of the journey was clever as it gave me the opportunity to think about both my attitudes to and relationship with money. The "light bulb" moment was in realizing that my relationship with money is a LIFE-LONG RELATIONSHIP. And like any relationship it requires commitment, awareness, perseverance and joy in the evolving journey. Susan’s passion and ability to make and create this connection for the students was powerful. This course is a must for everybody that wants to understand, build, enjoy and/or re-affirm their commitment to their money relationship in supporting life purpose.
Maria S, Executive Coach
The Money Intelligence Course promotes thinking about your finances from a whole person perspective. It was so empowering to build self awareness and break through barriers that have allowed us to realistically make changes for ours, and our family's future. Stepping through this program with like-minded people, gave us the strength and support to do things we know will set us up for the future. Thank you thank you thank you!
Sunny G, Writer and Producer
Money Intelligence has changed my financial life in ways I could never have foreseen, quickly and effectively. Susan's revolutionary approach to money can change your life too.
Simonette V, Psychologist
Thank you Susan for this life changing program. Money intelligence. With heartfelt appreciation for learning such practical skills for investing and managing my finances. The personal awareness was intense and profound. You created a safe space for all of us to let go of unhelpful money worth issues. All in 6 weeks. I am more confident about my retirement abundance. Thank you I will always be grateful to you Susan for this program and for your many years of supporting me in my business and personal life.